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Promoting distributed generation as a lever for decarbonization


Photovoltaic solar power has become one of the most efficient technologies on the path to decarbonisation and is a critical element in achieving a sustainable energy system that guarantees development in the present without placing future generations at risk.

The involvement of solar energy in the global energy balance decreases our reliance on fossil fuels, diversifying our supply sources and improving the competitiveness of companies and domestic economies, reducing their energy costs.

Amara NZero solar

What do we do?

We offer photovoltaic solutions, specialising in the distribution of components and all phases of the technical service.

Our entire product portfolio has been selected following an exhaustive analysis of the production process from a technological, social, environmental and economic perspective.


Amara NZero solar


Through our digital ecosystem, we offer our customers all the tools required to plan and manage their photovoltaic projects.

Logística "Just in time"

Contamos con más de 20 almacenes en la Península Ibérica para suministrar de manera inmediata cualquier equipo, garantizando la entrega en el momento y lugar idóneo, reduciendo costes de almacenaje, transporte y riesgos de devaluación.

Servicio Técnico

Nuestro equipo de expertos fotovoltaicos proporciona asistencia durante la instalación y puesta en marcha, así como en la resolución de incidencias y la gestión de garantías.


Accede a nuestra academia de formación, un lugar de encuentro donde podrás formarte con los mejores profesionales del sector.

Laboratorio de ensayos

Laboratorio de ensayos instalado en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, en el que analizamos de forma empírica las últimas innovaciones tecnológicas en equipos fotovoltaicos.



We create valuable, stable bonds with our customers to grow together on the market.



We guarantee that all our products meet the quality standards and certificates required by the market.


We collaborate with


We are actively involved in the local development of the photovoltaic market.


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